Untitled Gnome Game Devlog #3 - Simple Actions - Pick up

Hey there!

I've been stuck here with reworking some stuff. First of all - I've refined pickups, they were messy and unstable. Now they are messy, but at least they do work properly.

I've started by making Parent Class for things I'm going to pick up, added additional functions that I will rewrite in childs of that Class. I've also added widget logic inside of pickups.

I'm sending command to do something to this class via Interface. It's pretty simple thing. For now it only sends starting function.

It's not an inventory, but very close to it by its purpose. We can now swap between items we've picked up. It looks messy, but we can deal with it later. I've also added separate Custom Event to switch booleans on and off.

I've also divided actions and locomotion in Anim Graph and simplified my Main State Machine by adding Animation Montages to Character BP. 

I bet there is a better place for montages, but I haven't found it yet.

What I forgot to do is to add lines from Holding Items to Fall, I'll do it right now, while you will sit and watch this guy picking stuff up and swapping it.

I've took my time to make this cleaner and simpler for myself to understand.

You have to take your your time too. The only one you are chasing with - is yourself. Patience, self care and fresh air shouldn't be uncomfortable pick against hard work - you deserved it as a human. Learn to treat yourself, then treat your project. Have a nice one ;)

Next up: Continuing Simple Actions, Attacks, or a simple AI? Maybe you could help me decide? Write down in comments :)

Get The Heartlander


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